7 Yoga Poses to Practice with Yoga Blocks
In the last post, I discussed why yoga blocks are an essential prop. In this post, I’ll demonstrate how you can use them in certain postures. Here are 7 Yoga Poses to do with your Yoga blocks…
Downward Facing Dog
Using blocks in down-dog is a game changer! It’s common when you’re just beginning yoga to find your wrists sore and biceps shaky when practicing this pose. You may even feel a little awkward in your back.
That’s where the blocks come in. Prior to lifting the hips to the sky, place blocks under your hands. Line the bottom of the palms to the edge of the blocks with your palms flat. Once you feel stable lift the hip up towards the sky and breathe.
**Feel free to play around with the bend of the knees as well to alleviate hamstring straining. The blocks help to lengthen the spine and shift some of the weight off of the wrist. *Chef’s Kiss*
Forward Fold
In this foundational pose, many people can feel frustrated because they can not touch their toes or the floor. Well, blocks help to fill in that gaps as we work towards more flexibility. While transitioning into forward fold place blocks on the outside of you feet and allow your hands to find them as you fold over.
Pro Tip: Bending your knees help to elongate the stretch and allows for more mobility to stretch the hips high. The blocks on the flow will allow the body to be supported and protected from straining and over extension.
Child’s Pose
Blocks used here can deepen the stretch. By raising the arms, we allow more space for our chest to fall lower, opening the shoulders more. This active engagement in this restful posture is dynamic and healing to the nervous system.
Triangle Pose
Oh, Triangle! Why are we so obsessed with touching the floor in variations of this pose? It is more than acceptable to rest the hand on the inner thigh or calf. For a safe extension to the ground, place a block flush with the inside of the foot and place your palm on top. Take a moment to ensure your hips are aligned forward and avoid shifting or pointing the hips toward the ground.
Pyramid Pose
We use blocks in this pose in the same way as triangle. Place the blocks on both sides of the foot. Instead of straining the spine to fold over the leg, we allow ourselves space to lift avoiding scrunching.
Half-Moon Pose
No matter what day it is, I wobble when practicing half moon. Using a block in the pose can help to stabilize and ensure that too much weight isn’t shifted forward. Your body is more leveled. Be gentle and be careful not to grip tightly onto the block.