5-Min Gratitude Meditation (audio+script)

5-Min Gratitude Meditation (audio+script)

In these uncertain times, it's easy for us to lose sight of our blessings. This short meditation allows us to be reminded of all of the good that life has given us.

Tonight was the second Supermoon of the year. The Pink Moon shed light on new beginnings, it is referred to as the rebirth, inviting new relationships, skills, and dreams into our lives. Clearing out things that no longer serve to bring us joy.

This guided meditation is a reflection and a reminder that we already have many things that bring us joy and comfort, and hopefully, we can appreciate newness even more.

Gratitude Meditation.  

Find someplace quiet and take a comfortable seat, 

Begin to take notice of the breath

Allow yourself to really feel grounded

Allow your feet to connect to the floor 

Your spine to be strong and lifted 

Breathe as you release your shoulders 

Inhaling and exhaling slowly.

Notice the rise and fall of your chest or your belly 

Take a moment to give thanks to your breath 

The force that allows us to be here 


Bringing you awareness to your body 

In the chair 

Grateful to feel supported

Continuing to breathe 

Taking a moment to visualize the room that you are in 

The walls The building 

Keeping you protected

Noticing the feeling in your belly

The absence of hunger 

Grateful for the nourishment that keeps you energized 

Shifting our awareness and visualizing our families our friends

Grateful to the love that they share 

The joy that they provided. 

Continuing to breathe as we reflect and show gratitude

for the tiny pieces of life that 

Often go unthanked. 

The sky. The sun. and The moon 

The roads 

The shoes that we wear 

The ecosystems of knowledge that we have access to 

Times of quiet 

Times of laughter 

The beauty of life 

The promise of hope

Just for a moment 

Let us show gratitude 

Let us be grateful for all that we have

Let us be grateful enough to share with others 


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